Florida Licensed Private Investigative Firm


State of Florida Vs. Simmons- 1st Degree Murder- Found Not Guilty by Jury.
State of Florida Vs. Carmichael- Attempted Murder- Prosecutor Dropped/Abandoned prior to filing information due to obtaining cell phone records proving innocence.
State of Florida Vs. Chapman- Aggravated Assault- Prosecutor dropped the case after obtaining evidence of innocence.
State of Florida Vs. Leyva- Attempted Murder- Reduced to felony battery- probation sentence.
State of Florida VS. Hart- 3rd Degree Murder- Nolle Prosequi by prosecutor before trial.
State of Florida Vs. Gates- 1st Degree Murder- Charge plead to Manslaughter based on our investigative findings.
State of Florida Vs. Answeeney - Armed Home Invasion, Armed Robbery - Found Not Guilty by Jury.
State of Florida Vs. Henin - Aggravated Assault With a Motor Vehicle - Prosecutor dropped the case after obtaining evidence of innocence.
State of Florida Vs. Flournoy - 1st Degree Murder- Found Not Guilty by Jury.
State of Florida Vs. Reyes – Lewd or Lascivious Act on a Minor Under 12 Years Old (Five Counts) – Found Not Guilty by Jury
State of Florida Vs. Willie Carl Griffin Jr. - First Degree Murder With A Firearm - All Charges Nolle Prosequi
State of Florida Vs. Reginal Lenoir Swift Jr - Robbery with a Firearm (2 Counts), Possession of Cannabis, Possession of Drug Para, Burglary of a Conveyance with a battery while armed with a firearm, Attempted robbery with a mask - All Charges Nolle Prosequi
State of Florida Vs. Rene Don Juan-Gonzalez - Trafficking in Heroin and Conspiracy to Traffic in Herion - Found Not Guilty by Jury
State of Florida Vs. Bryshon Johnson - Domestic Violence Battery, Aggravated Assault with a Weapon, Domestic Violence by Strangulation - All Charges Nolle Prosequi
State of Florida vs. Fabian Aichner - Affray and Resisting an Officer without Violence - All Charges Nolle Prosequi
State of Florida vs. Jose Marin - Sexual Battery - Charges Nolle Prosequi